
Private Sessions

For deeper commitment to exploration or more challenging concerns, I recommend weekly sessions and suggest the 3 month mentorship.

Suggested Prerequisite: have had a private session(s) and/or viewed Introductory Video or read Companion Workbook

Format: Confidential One on One 12 weekly sessions for 3 months

“You have changed my life in ways I could never have imagined.  What you have facilitated for my growth is unbelievable.  You walked me through my own self-discovery and spiritual awakening that can never be taken away.  It is a priceless invaluable gift.  Your wisdom saved me an enormous amount of time and energy.  I consider myself extremely fortunate to have found your work.  I feel so blessed to have reached these levels of spiritual awareness and be able to assist others from my own experience.  Your life’s purpose is special and I am sure many have been affected the same way as I have.” – Mary L., Ph.D.

Cost: $2,170 for 3 Month Mentorship Package

3 Month Therapist Training

An Experiential application of Specific Treatment Protocols for each Integrative Medicine Modality.

This Supervised Practicum Includes live online weekly review and Q&A hour with Instructor and added interaction with other participants if done in group format.

Requirement: Protocol Treatment Reports on assignments during this program.

Prerequisite: Mandatory Completion of Practitioner Training Program

Format: Optional can be done privately One on One or in a Group Setting

“I have been in the Health and Healing Field for many years and have studied numerous techniques with many teachers. I honestly came to this program expecting not to learn much of anything new.  To my surprise I was awakened to a whole new perspective; like a reality switch was turned on in my awareness.  I consider myself blessed to have met Anthousa and been able to attend her training classes.  I am totally a different person today.  Words cannot sufficiently describe the many positive shifts and changes that happened.  There is no doubt that she is a special teacher of truth and liberation.” — Christine B.

Cost: $2,170 for 3 Month Mentorship Package

Life Mastery

Program is designed to lead you through a self discovery process to Create the life you want and the Courage to live it.

Ask yourself, “Am I honoring the reason I came to this earth or am I betraying the very essence of who I am?”

This is Channeled information from Archangel Michael who states;

“We all come here with a specific mission but most of us become so shaped and distorted by the influence and conditioning of others; that most of us lose sight of who we are and why we are here.”

It is your responsibility to align your life with your highest destiny and take action.

Requirement: Purchase Life Mastery book from Amazon

Suggested Prerequisite: Completion of Energetic Manifestation Program

Format: Only offered in group setting

Cost: $2,170 for 3 Month Mentorship Package