Private Sessions

Conscious Counseling utilizes Therapeutic Applications of Consciousness, a Soul Focused method based on a Holistic Psychotherapy Model incorporating all the modalities outlined in the Sollite Integrative Medicine Practitioner Training which addresses all parts of your being on the physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual realms.

To Heal means to make Whole again.

The sources of some issues are difficult to find let alone clear on your own. We lose compassion for ourselves and others because we have lost our connection to the Truth of Who We Really Are and the ability to Self Love.

These core issues create a Disconnection from your Spirit; Your True Authentic Self; the “Truth of Who You Really Are.”  However, there is Wisdom found within this.

Over the many years of my counseling and healing work, I have found that it is nearly impossible for people to clear themselves completely or to experience the rate of spiritual growth they would with the Holistic Medical Approach of integrative medicine.

Integrative Medicine: Recognizes the root causes of symptoms and disease. It is a complete system which combines the best of both Medicine and Spirituality. It involves treating the person as a whole (not as segmented symptomatic parts) on the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Energetic and Spiritual Levels.

Holistic Medical Approach: Utilizes Therapeutic Applications of Consciousness (TAC): The importance of Consciousness needing to be part of the equation for healing.   This model is grounded in medical scientific research incorporating medical modalities with spiritual and metaphysical concepts that work effectively on core issues causing pain and suffering.

How it Works:

SOLLITE uses a combination of Holistic Psychotherapy and TAC to resolve the inner conflict; the war within. 

We collaborate together to incorporate mainstream established health care and complementary integrative modalities that bridge the gap between Medicine, Science and Spirituality.  First, we identify your core underlying issues then a personalized plan is created using specific modalities to address your healing that fits you best.

Integrative Medicine Modalities (click to read more)

The foundation of what we are made up is Light with a spectrum of Hu’s/Color.   Our cells speak to each other through Photons – Light particles; our bodies communication network.

Everything is Energy comprised of a various spectrum of frequencies and vibrational rates.  Color and Light is utilized in all the integrative modalities in a variety of ways to remove toxins, then rejuvenate and restore back to health.  Presently, there is a medical encyclopedia of 400 different diseases researched and documented within the physical, psychological, energetic and spiritual areas and how to treat them.

True healing and transformation is an inside out process.  Color and Light Therapy is known to be a homeopathic remedy that guides you to your own body’s inner wisdom to heal itself from the inner core of your being.  Therefore, to have the knowledge and experience of this therapy leads you to truly know and heal thyself.

The physical mechanisms in our brain that store our emotions, beliefs, trauma, conditioned habits.  Re-wiring the brain with Energy Psychology clears the underlying core issues in your unconscious and subconscious mind.

To become aware and know the eight different brain states and three main brain centers that instinctually operate and can keep us from healing and conscious awakening is an extremely valuable healing and self regulating tool.

Detailed information is given about the two physical mechanisms in our brain, the Amygdala and Hippocampus.  These structures in the brain store our emotions, beliefs, traumatic memories, and create inner conflict, separation, and feelings of being stuck or trapped.  Knowledge given on how to clear unresolved issues and patterns through rewiring the brain with positive energy psychology is priceless no matter what your presenting problem might be.

I personally developed the ‘Stop Method’ as a self care technique coping skill to help with stress management that brings us back to a neutral place of calm and focus enabling ourselves to recenter in any situation or relational event.

Your craniosacral system holds your two most important communication networks of your body, the Nervous and Endocrine systems.  Connect with your own body’s Inner Wisdom to heal itself.

CranioSacral Therapy is an Osteopathic Medical Technique that affects all levels of your being. physical, psychological, emotional, energetic and spiritual.  Its’ foundation is built on the premise that the body has all the pharmacopoeia it needs to heal itself and that the rhythm created by the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid has a consciousness directs and guides you back to balance and well being.

Learn to connect and experience your own body’s inner physician by tapping into the consciousness found in the cerebrospinal fluid.  The rhythmic movement created by the flow of this fluid has an innate wisdom that guides tissue restrictions to release and self correct.

The removal of restrictions in the tissue relieves stress, decreases chronic or acute pain, relieves undue pressure on the brain and spinal cord and improves overall health.

The energetic form of Traditional Chinese Medicine works on your internal organs to clear toxicity and then restore and rejuvenate through Qigong prescribed exercises. 

Medical QiGong is an ancient form of Chinese energetic medicine (TCM). It involves treating patients through the use of Energetic Point Therapy, Distance Healing, Self-Care Regulation prescribed exercises and Vibrational Medicine through Sound, Color and Light therapy.

By balancing the electromagnetic energy field, it corrects bio-energetic imbalances and blockages and stimulates energy flow. This enables the body to strengthen and regulate the internal organs, central nervous and immune systems; relieve pain, regulate hormones and release deep-seated emotions and stress.

It is an effective way to rid toxic pathogens and years of painful emotions. Aids to restore all Visceral-Organ Related Diseases of Liver, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs, Stomach; etc., and all Energy Imbalances on Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Levels. It also nourishes the person’s destiny to reach their highest potential and awaken consciousness.

It is through the heart we enter the realm of the soul.  In this soul focused healing method we tap into multidimensional worlds for complete healing in ancestral, cultural and the mass collective realms.

Disease and illness occur from two major areas; the physical and spiritual realms.  Drawn from the wisdom of Ancient Mystery School secrets through a combination of Mystic Christianity, Kabbalah and Sufism this modality utilizes the heart and soul to tap into multidimensional worlds for guidance and complete healing.

It clears Ancestral, Lineage, Cultural and Mass Collective Consciousness issues found in the Soul level.  It brings fragmented lost parts of yourself back into wholeness through the use of Soul Retrieval, Re-patterning Cellular Genetic structures and Forgiveness Therapy.

Healing deep core generational mental emotional physical and spiritual issues within these realms through the use of energetic clearing techniques, along with color, light, sound and movement.  In addition, this modality also helps Orient Access to and Embody your Soul into your daily life.

Utilizes sacred qualities and frequencies through Divine Light and Sound Codes that help you heal, manifest and awaken to the Truth of Who You Are while strengthening your connection with Source.

Spiritual healing addresses the inner dimension of illness.  Healing can occur when one identifies and transforms both the inner and outer dimensions of illness together to bring about complete balanced integrated health.

Life-changing Divine Light and Sound Codes help you reclaim your True Authentic Self, realize your soul purpose divine destiny through using sacred qualities that assist you heal and awaken to the Truth of Who You Are.  Light and Sound is a non-invasive safe effective treatment option.  Every human is made up of many different elements; each element has its own signature vibration rate and frequency of light and sound.

This specific information originates from the God Source brought through the Angelic and Prophetic realms for Awakening and Healing based on a Path of No Path.

Some Indications for use:

  • Stress and Relational Issues
  • Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Emotional Problems
    Fear, Worry, Anger, Shame, Guilt, Sadness, etc.
  • Obsessive Negative Thinking & Phobias
  • Inflammatory Disorders
  • Acute and Chronic Pain
  • Health and Healing Concerns
  • Autoimmune and Chronic Disorders


  • Stress and Pain Reduction
  • Reframe Traumatic Events
  • Change Habitual Patterns
  • Enhance Depth in Psychotherapy
  • Balance Endocrine and Nervous Systems
  • Brain and Spinal Cord Support
  • Strengthen Immune System
  • Recovery and Self Improvement
  • Spiritual Development

My work is not about fixing.  It is about reminding you to remember and guiding you to the place where optimally life becomes self-healing. The ‘Inner Physician’ theory believes that when one’s energy field is in balance, the body’s latent healing ability can heal itself.

Sessions are progressive in their effects, a series of three to seven at a time is recommended.  Regularly scheduling can make all the difference, because the effects are cumulative.  A session every three or four weeks is optimal; for deeper issues or more severe cases I recommend weekly sessions until the condition is permanently and completely cleared.

We will explore together the core issues that have kept you from moving forward in your life and create a customized personal plan.

Rates are:

  • $200 for a single session
  • $350 for 2 per month
  • $600 for 4 per month

Disclaimer: This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. My work is a complement to conventional medicine, it is not a substitute for medical treatment of any kind. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.