Conscious Counseling

It is important to remember Who We Truly Are
not only for our own well-being but for
for the Evolution of Humankind.

Consciousness is a unified field that must express itself. It is the Truth of Who You Are.  Becoming mentally clear and holding higher states of consciousness is essential.

By evading self analysis, people go on being robots conditioned by their environment.  The degree to which you are clear and in balance is the degree your life is healthy and fulfilling.

Program Overview:

Comparison of Medical Medicine Approaches and Practices.

Differences between Wellness vs. Treating Illness.

Integrative Medical Model approach to Conventional, Complementary and Alternative healthcare.

MBSR – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

TAC: Therapeutic Applications of Consciousness in Conscious Counseling.

Holistic Psychotherapy combines Energy Psychology with Sollite Integrative Medicine.

Explanation of Modalities utilized in Sollite Integrative Medicine:

  • Color and Light = Foundational Structure
  • Awareness in the Brain = Specific Neurological Information
  • CranioSacral = Physical Level
  • Medical QiGong = Energetic Level
  • Heart and Soul Healing = Soul Level
  • Spiritual Medicine = Spiritual Level

Indications and Benefits for use of Conscious Counseling.

Format: Receive 2 Instructional Videos with a Companion Workbook for an In Depth Understanding of How It Works.

Cost: $99

Suggested Recommendations:

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