Integrated Healing
This presentation is a didactic experiential workshop for Healing and Conscious Awakening. It is important to remember who we truly really are not only for our own well-being but for Peace on Earth and the Evolution of Humankind.
The goal is to help you refine your subtle perception abilities and develop energy healing specialties that increase your understanding of how these energies affect every aspect of your day to day life holding you in limitation. The degree to which the human energy field is clear, energized, and in balance is the degree a person’s life is healthy and fulfilling.
You will learn different worlds of realities in which you can access information, guidance, wisdom, understanding, love, mercy, compassion and walk away with specific easy tools you can use with yourself and others. Becoming mentally clear and holding higher states of consciousness is essential.
Learn to:
- Develop access to and raise your Frequency Vibration to be lighter
- Become less reactive and more receptive, reducing stress
- Attune to and work with your own Inner Knowing Navigational System
Each topic below from the Practitioners Training Program will be covered on an introductory level.
- Color and Light = Foundational Structure
- Awareness in the Brain = Specific Neurological Information
- CranioSacral = Physical Level
- Medical QiGong = Energetic Level
- Heart and Soul Healing = Soul Level
- Spiritual Medicine = Spiritual Level
Meets weekly for one month – 90 minute Live Online Teaching with Q & A.